Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fixing the Shed door

The door works great closed
The kids have yanked on the door and let the wind take the left side so much that the screws attaching the door to the hinges have stripped and made the door a pain in my ass.

Just a view of the stripped hinges

I took the door off

Door Repair
To repair the stripped holes in the door I drilled out all the stripped holes, squeezed some wood glue in each hole and inserted a wood plug stick and cut the stick flush.

The stick cut flush
Now all I have to do is wait a bit for the glue to dry, then I can put the door back up.

I might end up cutting the metal door and inserting a 2x4 because the wood were the hinges connect on the door is not very thick for such a heavy door. I guess me cutting the metal door for the back and inserting the 2x4's might just be my next project.

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